Top 10 Sites for Designers: October 2016 Edition

Every month, HOW art director Adam Ladd curates a list of inspiring websites (and apps!) of particular interest to designers and creatives. The October selection includes a collection of free icons, a downloadable collaged typeface, a free vector graphics editor and more.

1. IconStore

Free icons for personal and commercial use, with no attribution required.

2. Build in Amsterdam

The simple type treatments for this strategy, branding and e-commerce company become dynamic with a sweeping motion applied.

For a dose of inspiration in the form of creative quotes, get your copy of Treat Ideas Like Cats And Other Creative Quotes to Inspire Creative People by Editor-in-Chief of PRINT Magazine Zachary Petit.

3. Here is Today

A unique representation of “today” in the scope of time.

4. CSS Zen Garden

Demonstrating what can be accomplished through CSS-based design.

5. The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks

With high-quality, interactive videos, you can explore with rangers some of these wonders.

6. Excelsiorama

A downloadable, collaged typeface made by Upstate New York graphic designers.

7. How Much Does Your Country Invest in R&D?

An engaging, interactive data visualization, with interesting transitions from chart to chart as you scroll.

8. Vectr

A free vector graphics editor that you can download or use online.

9. Virgin America Mobile App

Their new app for booking flights is presented cleanly and with fun, simple animations.

10. Kettle

The site for this independent digital agency gives a distinct look with unique animations.

DEADLINE: October 14, 2016

The 3rd Annual Typography & Lettering Awards is now open! Whether you design your own typefaces, design type-centric pieces or create gorgeous handlettered projects, we want to see your work—and share it with our readers.

Enter today for a chance to be featured in Print magazine, receive a prize pack from, and more!